Weight management

Weight Management
Have you been battling your weight for a long time? Do you find it tough to lose weight?
You're not the only one who feels this way.
Obesity is defined as having a body weight that is 20% greater than it should be. Obese persons have a BMI of 30 or higher, while morbidly obese people have a BMI of 40 or higher.
People put on weight for a variety of reasons. The following factors may contribute to weight gain:
A sedentary way of life
Excess calorie consumption
Eating habits that are unhealthy
Medication \sGenetics
A metabolic syndrome is a condition in which the body's
Sleep deprivation
It's crucial to figure out what's causing your weight increase so you can get back to a healthy weight. It might be due to a medical disease like Prader-Willi syndrome, or it could be due to too many sugary drinks or fast meals.
Our team of experts at the ENLIVE Clinic will conduct numerous tests to determine the facts. It's all part of our all-encompassing treatment strategy to help you regain a healthy and normal weight and control your weight.
What Are the Health Consequences of Obesity?
Obesity is more than just carrying around a few extra pounds. Obesity is regarded as a chronic illness. If left untreated, it can lead to the development of a slew of other health issues.
Obesity puts you at higher risk for heart disease, sleep apnea, strokes, fatty liver disease, renal disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance is a side effect of obesity, and it can raise blood sugar levels. Excessive weight gain can also cause behavioral and mental health concerns.
All of this has the potential to result in premature death. Moderately obese persons lose around 3 years of life expectancy on average. Unless they get weight-loss treatment, their quality of life may be severely harmed.
Our All-Inclusive Weight-Loss Treatment Plan Focuses on 5 Important Weight-Loss Elements:
We, at the ENLIVE Clinic, can assist you or someone you know who is dealing with an obesity crisis or weight increase. We provide a one-of-a-kind, all-inclusive weight-loss treatment program. You won't find anything like it anywhere else!
The therapy program at the ENLIVE Clinic is divided into five components. Each module will address a different issue and will play a critical part in achieving your weight reduction objectives. In a nutshell, our one-of-a-kind treatment approach focuses on weight loss from five different perspectives. The Enlive Clinic has covered all of your bases, giving you a higher chance of reducing weight.
The five modules of the ENLIVE Clinic make form a complete treatment regimen. Each component is essential. They are as follows:
Medical Evaluation is the first module. Investigate the medical causes of weight growth and excess body fat. Comprehensive medical examinations and evaluations at the ENLIVE Clinic will identify whether you have any underlying medical problems or chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or decreased gland function. Each patient will receive a customized medical treatment plan that may include probiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, and other therapies.
Module 2: Dietary and Nutritional Changes Make nutritional adjustments that are good for you. You are, after all, what you consume. The importance of food in weight maintenance cannot be overstated. A dietary evaluation, DNA analysis, and other tests will be performed by the ENLIVE Clinic's team of specialists. During your stay with us, a private chef will take care of all of your nutritional needs, ensuring that you consume nutritious meals like fruits and vegetables.
Physical Activity and Exercise is the third module. Another crucial aspect of weight loss is becoming active. Personal trainers at the ENLIVE Clinic will assist you in developing a thorough training plan that is suited to your body composition and fitness objectives.
Psychological Treatment and Therapy (Module 4) We look after not just your body but also your mind at the ENLIVE Clinic. If you suffer from trauma, ADHD, stress, or other mental health issues, you may overeat. Our psychiatrists will identify and treat any underlying psychological or behavioral problems.
Changes in your lifestyle are covered in Module 5. The experts at the ENLIVE Clinic will give you the assistance you need to assess your lifestyle and make healthy adjustments. Massage therapy, anti-aging treatments, and other services are available at the ENLIVE Clinic.
Unlike other weight loss clinics, the ENLIVE Clinic includes all five modules into our treatment programs to assist you in reaching your weight reduction objectives. The modules work together to form a complete. They're all in one box.
After finishing our treatment program, the ENLIVE Clinic wants you to be at your best. More than just a weight-loss solution is available at our clinic. We assist you in learning how to live a better and more fulfilling life.
It's never been easier to lose weight. With the ENLIVE Clinic's complete treatment plan, you'll lose weight and reach your weight reduction objectives in a lovely and comfortable atmosphere.
Nothing compares to what the ENLIVE Clinic has to offer. You'll find all you need and more with us if you're seeking for the finest.